
machine language

  • 英文:
    machine language
  • 翻译:
    n. 机器语言
  • 例句:
    • 英文:A program that translates from machine language to assembly language, often to decipher existing machine language programs by generating symbolic code listings.
    • 中文:将机器语言翻译成汇编语言的程序,一般通过产生符号代码的清单来翻译已有的机器语言程序。
    • 英文:Programming languages are divided into three types: machine language, which is also called an instruction system, is the only one used directly by computers.
    • 中文:程序设计语言分为机器语言、汇编语言和高级语言三类。机器语言是计算机唯一能直接使用的语言,也叫做计算机指令系统;
    • 英文:A program that translates an instruction into a machine language and executes it before proceeding to the next instruction.
    • 中文:解释程序将指令翻译为机器语言并在执行下一个指令之前完成此指令的程序
  • 编号:


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