
rock bottom

  • 英文:
    rock bottom
  • 翻译:
    n. 最低点
  • 例句:
    • 英文:If you invest now, you will be buying at rock bottom. The shares are at their very lowest today.
    • 中文:如果你现在把钱投进去,你将以最低价买进,今天股票行市最低。
    • 英文:A few Sundays ago it reached rock bottom when the minister preached his wife, the organist and the two presiding officers for that date.
    • 中文:几星期前牧师向他的妻子、风琴手及两个主持会务的干事宣讲那一天的教义时,会众的人数降到了最低点。
    • 英文:The effect of deferment will not be physically noticeable for at least several months. By then unemployment will have reached rock bottom.
    • 中文:延缓的效果最少在几个月内还不会明显地为人们所注意到。到那时,失业率将降到最低点了。
  • 编号:


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