
second wind

  • 英文:
    second wind
  • 翻译:
    n. 喘气后恢复正常的呼吸(恢复过来的精力)
  • 例句:
    • 英文:I felt I could not move another step, but after lunch I got my second wind and pushed ahead with the rest.
    • 中文:我感到一步也走不动了,但是午饭后我又觉得干劲十足,与其余的人一起前进。
    • 英文:Mr.Gorbachev acknowledges that changes has created its own problems. Even so, he is more confident than ever about the course of reform and the prospects for his society's renewal. The party conference in June "will give a second wind to all our plans."
    • 中文:戈尔巴乔夫承认改革本身也带来了一些问题。即使如此,他对改革的过程和复兴社会的前景越发具有信心。六月份的党代表会议“将给我们所有的计划带来新的生机。”
    • 英文:I often feel sleepy after supper and then I get my second wind later in the evening.
    • 中文:我吃完晚饭常感到困,一到晚上就又精神了。
  • 编号:


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