
South Carolina

  • 英文:
    South Carolina
  • 發音:
  • 翻譯:
    n. 南卡羅來納(美國州名)
  • 例句:
    • 英文:No one doubts that Mr.Bush, bolstered by his overwhelming victory in the South Carolina primary Saturday, will run up a large victory margin the total popular vote in17 Republican contests today.
    • 中文:沒有人懷疑布什先生,乘周六南卡羅來納州初選大勝之餘威,今天會在17個州共和黨選舉中以極大優勢獲得普選的勝利。
    • 英文:An island off the southern coast of South Carolina in the Sea Islands of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular tourist resort. The town of Hilton Head Island, on the northeast coast, has a population of23,694.
    • 中文:希爾頓·海德島南卡羅來納州南部海岩邊位于大西洋中的海群島中的一個島嶼,是著名的旅遊聖地希爾頓·海德島東北海岸的城鎮有人口23, 694
  • 編号:


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