- 英文:
enduring - 發音:
- 音标:
[in'djuəriŋ] - 翻譯:
adj. 持久的,忍耐的 - 例句:
- 英文:Impressively large, sturdy, and enduring.
- 中文:巨大的、堅硬的和不朽的
- 英文:Dukakis has a history of enduring, even excelling at, hardball campaigns. This one follows a classic pattern: Be positive long enough for voters to get to know you. Then go for the gut.
- 中文:杜卡基斯一向能承受,甚至擅長選舉硬仗。此一選戰遵守經典格式:樂觀進取,持之以恒,直到成為先民所熟識人物。然後攻擊要害。
- 英文:Patiently enduring wrongs or difficulties.
- 中文:長期忍受以忍耐的态度對待委屈或困難的
- 編号: