- 英文:
discrepancy - 發音:
- 音标:
[dis'krepənsi] - 翻譯:
n. 相差,差異,差别 - 例句:
- 英文:I thought I had explained away the discrepancy but he had the actual figure and so I left myself wide open to a charge of telling lies.
- 中文:我以為我已經有矛盾之處作了辯解,但是他掌握了确鑿的數字,因此當他把控我說謊時,我毫無招架之勢。
- 英文:The price tag says$100 and you charged me for$120; how do you explain the discrepancy?
- 中文:"貨物标簽上寫的是一百美元,你向我索價一百二十美元,這個差異該怎麼解釋?"
- 編号: