- 英文:
make love - 翻譯:
vt. 做愛,表示愛情(獻殷勤) - 例句:
- 英文:The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her if she is pretty and to someone else if she is plain.
- 中文:對待女性的唯一方法是:假使她長得漂後就追,若是長得不怎麼樣就追别的。
- 英文:Make love to every woman you meet. If you get five percent on your outlay, it's a good investment.
- 中文:見了女人就追吧,縱使你的收獲僅及支出的百分之五也好,也是一則可觀的投資嘛。
- 英文:He refused to make love before they were married.
- 中文:他決不在婚前發生性行為.
- 編号: