- 英文:
be about to - 翻譯:
剛要, 即将 - 例句:
- 英文:He raised his hat and was about to speak, but she gave him the go-by as though she had never seen him before.
- 中文:他摘下帽子, 剛要講話, 她卻根本不理他, 好像以前從未見過他似的。
- 英文:She was about to dish up when some guests came.
- 中文:她剛要上菜開飯, 這時來了一些客人。
- 英文:As she was about to speak, I frowned her down.
- 中文:她剛要開口, 我就皺皺眉示意她别出聲。
- 編号: