
being that

  • 英文:
    being that
  • 翻譯:
  • 例句:
    • 英文:Owing to being that the electronic component is formed, and not wearing, and whether not to have the method does his having be used, and so wholesaler can sell very easily old the chip like being sold the new chip.
    • 中文:由于是電子元件構成, 沒有磨損, 也沒有方法辦他的是否被用過, 所以批發商可以象賣新的芯片一樣非常容易地銷售舊的芯片。
    • 英文:It is man's social being that determines his thinking [consciousness].
    • 中文:人們的社會存在, 決定人們的思想[意識]。
    • 英文:Perhaps the top brass didn't confide in the journalists quite enough; at any rate, the United States government has, on the whole, had the worst press over the Indo-China was that any government has ever has anywhere.
    • 中文:也許是因為軍中首要人物沒有向記者們透露足夠的消息; 不管怎麼說, 在印支戰争問題上, 美國政府受到報界的評價總的來說是有史以來所有政府中最壞的。
  • 編号:


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