
chain store

  • 英文:
    chain store
  • 翻譯:
  • 例句:
    • 英文:One advantage of most chain stores is that goods bought in one of the shops can usually be returned to one of the others if there is any problem.
    • 中文:大多數連鎖商店的一個優點是:在其中一間商店中購買的貨物,如果有什麼問題的話,通常可以在其他任何一間店退貨。
    • 英文:As you know, we are a well-established firm in the line of textiles, and we enjoy good relations with all the wholesalers, chain stores and distributors in Canada.
    • 中文:你知道,我公司在紡織業有良好的信譽,跟加拿大所有的批發商、連鎖商店和分銷商都保持很好的關系。
    • 英文:I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street.
    • 中文:我在街道對面的連鎖商店裡買了這隻面包。
  • 編号:


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