
full circle

  • 英文:
    full circle
  • 翻譯:
    adv 繞圈子地
  • 例句:
    • 英文:It will be a waste of time. You will come full circle.
    • 中文:那将是浪費時間。你會回到原處,一事無成。
    • 英文:His career have come full circle to the club where it begin.
    • 中文:他在事業上經過一番周折,如今他又回到了最初工作的那家俱樂部。
    • 英文:"Years ago, you could tell who the most politically powerful person in town was because his road would be paved, " said Ray Keating, a member if the zoning board of appeals here. "Now it's(=it has) come full circle, and the most powerful live on the dirt
    • 中文:"幾年以前,你可以看出誰是城裡最有權勢的人,因為他的路會修得整整齊齊,"此間一位城市規劃上訴局的基廷先生說。"現在風水輪流轉,最有勢力的人住在泥土路上。"
  • 編号:


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