- 英文:
Mabel - 音标:
['mæbəl] - 翻譯:
梅布爾(女名) - 例句:
- 英文:Mabel was frightened when the barking dog ran at her, but she soon got herself in hand and walked on.
- 中文:當狗狂叫着向梅布爾撲來時,她很害怕,但她很快鎮定下來,繼續向前走去。
- 英文:Old Mabel is still going strong and still working on his farm every day.
- 中文:老梅布爾依然很健壯,每天還在他的農場裡工作。
- 英文:Her friends egged on Mabel to spend money to show off.
- 中文:梅布爾的朋友們慫恿她花錢擺闊氣。
- 編号: