

  • 英文:
  • 翻譯:
    n. 黑人
  • 例句:
    • 英文:"We are glad to see the breakthroughs," he added, "but we don't want the television audience, society in general, to think that a few blacks making it can excuse all of the indignities, all the injuries, all of the lack of opportunities for all the rest o
    • 中文:"我們很高興看到這些突破,"他又說,"可是我們不要電視觀衆和社會一般人士認為,因為有幾個黑人成功了就可以原諒對其餘黑人所有的污辱、所有的傷害以及所有喪失的機會。"
    • 英文:For all the condemnation of the jury of10 whites and2 blacks, the case was not as cut-and-dried as many people seem to believe it was. Indeed, after the verdict, two jurors said the prosecution's case had simply been to inconsistent to believe.
    • 中文:盡管已被十個白人和兩個黑人組成的陪審團所定罪,該案出乎很多人預料。的确,在陪審員裁決以後,兩名陪審員說檢方過于前後矛盾,難令人相信。
    • 英文:Discrimination against Blacks is still common.
    • 中文:歧視黑人仍是普遍現象.
  • 編号:


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