- 英文:
business person - 翻譯:
商人 - 例句:
- 英文:The business people finally jumped on the bandwagon, too, and the candidate won by a landslide.
- 中文:商界人士最終也加入了可能獲勝的一方,結果那位候選人以一邊倒的優勢當選。
- 英文:Harrison also has promoted legislation to require immigrant businesses to post signs in English, which infuriated Asian business people but played well among longtime white residents.
- 中文:哈裡遜又促使立法規定外國移民所開商号懸挂英語招牌。此舉令亞裔商人異常憤怒,但深為長久居住此間的白人所喜。
- 編号: