- 英文:
election day - 翻譯:
投票日 - 例句:
- 英文:Frank had worked hard as a candidate, and as election day come he felt that the result was in the lap of the gods.
- 中文:作為一個候選人,法蘭克下了很大的功夫,但在選舉那天,他覺得選舉結果隻能聽天由命。
- 英文:Election day is at hand.
- 中文:大選日即将到來。
- 英文:If you will be on holiday on election day, you may apply for a postal vote.
- 中文:倘若選舉那天你在休假,可以申請用郵寄方法投票。
- 編号: