- 英文:
finest - 發音:
- 音标:
['fainist] - 翻譯:
adj. 好的, 出色的 - 例句:
- 英文:He was generally acknowledged to be the finest poet in the land.
- 中文:他是公認的全國最優秀的詩人.
- 英文:She was beyond all doubt the finest ballerina of her day.
- 中文:她無疑是她那個時代最優秀的芭蕾舞演員。
- 英文:He was badly injured; only the very finest treatment would have brought him through.
- 中文:他傷得很厲害, 隻有通過最好的治療才有可能脫險。
- 編号: