- 英文:
game - 發音:
- 音标:
[geim] - 翻譯:
n. 遊戲;
vi. 賭博 - Emoji符号:
🎮, 🎰, 🎲
- 例句:
- 英文:Who'll climb up to get it?' I'm game (to try).'
- 中文:`誰願意爬上去把它拿下來?'`我來(試試).'
- 英文:John only pretends to do his share of the work; he's just not playing the game.
- 中文:約翰隻是裝成做他那份工作,實際上并不真心好好幹。
- 英文:The little boy was shocked by the fall, but he was game enough to get up and try again.
- 中文:這個小男孩因摔倒而受到驚吓,但他勇敢地站起來準備再試。
- 編号: