- 英文:
generals - 翻譯:
n. 将軍 - 例句:
- 英文:The night of the long knives had come, and the generals met in secret to decide how to get rid of the president and put their own leader in power.
- 中文:采取背叛行動的時刻來到了,将軍們秘密集會,商定如何推翻總統并擁立自己的領袖。
- 英文:Doctor will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.
- 中文:在西方極樂世界,大夫們比我們當将軍的可能還要負更多人命之責吧。
- 英文:After the defeat two generals were publicly disgraced.
- 中文:那兩位将軍吃了敗仗之後, 在公衆心目中威望掃地.
- 編号: