- 英文:
gloating - 音标:
['gləutiŋ] - 翻譯:
心滿意足的, 沾沾自喜的 - 例句:
- 英文:From that moment the debate was lost. Churchill sat up, gloating at his critics with a discreet twinkle, like a cat presented with an unexpectedly large bowl of cream.
- 中文:從那一刻起, 辯論就已告失敗。丘吉爾坐直身子, 揚揚得意地看着批評他的人, 審慎地眨着眼睛, 那副樣子就像貓意想不到地被賞給一大碗奶油似的。
- 英文:Stop gloating just because you won the game!
- 中文:别因為赢了就揚揚得意!
- 編号: