- 英文:
miner - 發音:
- 音标:
['mainə] - 翻譯:
n. 礦工 - 例句:
- 英文:"I'm getting down to business," as the miner said when he was lowered into the pit.
- 中文:那礦工被放下礦井時說:"我要去埋頭苦幹啦。"
- 英文:I am a coal miner.
- 中文:咱們是礦工。
- 英文:The boarding-house keeper drew his pistol upon the miner who owed him, and said, "Down with the dust!"
- 中文:寄宿公寓的管理員拔出手槍對欠他房租的礦工說,“把錢交出來!”
- 編号: