
old maid

  • 英文:
    old maid
  • 音标:
    [əuld meid]
  • 翻譯:
    n. 老處女,謹小慎微的人,一種紙牌遊戲
  • 例句:
    • 英文:She realizes with a sudden wave of sympathy that Charlotte, a rather homely girl of advancing years, married Mr. Collins out of necessity, fearing a lonely and poverty-stricken life as an old maid.
    • 中文:她心中蓦地湧起一股同情,意識到夏綠蒂隻是因相貌平平,年齡日見增長,由于害怕成為老姑娘,過孤獨、貧寒的生活才不得已嫁給了柯林斯先生。
    • 英文:Being an old maid is like death by drowning, a really delightful sensation after you cease to struggle.
    • 中文:當一個老處女,好比溺水而死,到了停止掙紮之後,就會有那真正快樂的感覺了。
    • 英文:I hope I soon meet somebody I want to marry, otherwise I'll finish up an old maid.
    • 中文:我希望我很快會遇上個心上人與其成婚,不然的話我就成老處女了。
  • 編号:


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