- 英文:
overlay - 發音:
- 音标:
[ˌəuvə'lei] - 翻譯:
覆蓋 - 例句:
- 英文:An open framework made of strips of metal, wood, or similar material overlapped or overlaid in a regular, usually crisscross pattern.
- 中文:格構開放式格架,由金屬片。木片或相類似原料搭疊成格狀,通常用交叉方式構成
- 英文:A polar projection of half or more of the celestial sphere on a chart equipped with an adjustable overlay to show the stars visible at a particular time and place.
- 中文:星座一覽圖天體球的一半或多半在平面圖上的極投影圖,這種圖具有可調節的遮蔽物以顯示在給定時刻和位置可見的恒星
- 編号: