- 英文:
rave - 發音:
- 音标:
[reiv] - 翻譯:
n. 狂吼,狂暴;
v. 憤怒地說,叫嚷,咆哮 - 例句:
- 英文:You can rant and rave at the fine, but you'll still have to pay it.
- 中文:你鬧也好, 罵也好, 罰金還是得交.
- 英文:When he was accused of stealing, he raved wildly against me.
- 中文:當他被控犯偷竊罪時,他氣呼呼地把我臭罵一頓。
- 英文:He wrote a rave review of that book.
- 中文:他寫了一篇對那本書大捧特捧的評論。
- 編号: