- 英文:
rooted - 發音:
- 音标:
['ru:tid] - 翻譯:
adj. 生根的, 有根的, 根深的 - 例句:
- 英文:I can't pull this bush up, it's firmly rooted in the ground.
- 中文:這棵矮樹我拔不起來。它的根在地裡生得很牢。
- 英文:The soil around the plants should be well trodden down, so that they are firmly rooted.
- 中文:樹苗四周的泥土要好好踏實, 使樹苗牢牢地紮根。
- 英文:Eugene and his family were rooted out from its native district and sent abroad.
- 中文:尤金和他一家人被迫離開家鄉, 并被遣送出國。
- 編号: