
start from scratch

  • 英文:
    start from scratch
  • 翻譯:
    vi. 從頭做起(從起跑線開始, 白手起家)
  • 例句:
    • 英文:His business was started from scratch with$300 he'd managed to borrow from a friend.
    • 中文:他做生意是白手起家的, 當初是設法找一個朋友借了300美元。
    • 英文:The new paint wont adhere to the walls so I'll have to strip it all off and start from scratch.
    • 中文:新塗的油漆粘不住牆壁, 因此我得把它全部刮掉, 重新刷過。
    • 英文:His business was started from scratch with200 pounds he'd borrowed from a relative.
    • 中文:他的店是他從親戚那裡借的200鎊白手起家幹起來的。
  • 編号:


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